Wednesday 3 September 2008

Day 1 - This is my addiction

I've never prided myself on being an excellent writer. My grades in English at school and college were average but they got me into University. I don't see myself becoming a great novelist or well known for writing talents because I haven't got any. I can't turn a phrase or cleverly use poetic rhythm to juxtapose a violent situation where a woman glowers at her husband then is struck down by his own violent hand (Where the hell did that come from!?!). Saying that though, I've never been really good at anything. I mean, I'm good at things and I can do things, but there's nothing I'm exceptional at. For instance I play bass guitar, I'm okay and I can keep a beat and improvise, but it's nothing special. It's the same with sports, I've never really been a big fan of the sporting community and I'm not too keen on watching them but playing sports can be fun. I'll enjoy playing a match of football and I even did karate, but again nothing exceptional. But that all changes with computer games. With computer games I have something, I don't know what it is, I couldn't win competitions and be iron man of gaming or gaming champion of the world but I can beat the games. If I face a challenge in something, say a difficult bass solo, I'll try and I'll try and if I keep messing up I'll unplug my guitar and ask myself and my fingers why we even bother. But with a video game, I will keep trying. I will play and play and I may fail and fail. My emotions will rise, I'll scream, shout and hit things but I won't stop playing it until the challenge is over come. My fingers could be aching in pain from button mashing, eyes seeping thick tears mixed with sweat and blood but I will not stop. Then when the challenge is complete and the experience points are mine or the boss is defeated I feel like I've achieved something great and nothing can stop me. Like I'm some impenetrable force awaiting my next great challenge in one of the amazing virtual worlds that I indulge myself in. I'll inundate in the adrenaline that comes from that challenge and that is what feeds my passion. This is my addiction.


Today I've done a little more preparation for the gaming magazine. I'm still yet to come up with a name, however I've e-mailed the PR for Video Games Live. Video Games Live is a music concert where an orchestra plays music from popular video games over the generations. Video Game music is very under rated, I sometimes prefer to listen it than some of my favourite bands because it's so emotional. It can make you feel sad, angered, hyper, elated etc. It's brilliant. When I heard about VG Live I was so thrilled to know that VG music had been acknowledge to such an extent. To have a worldwide tour for this kind of event is amazing. There's only one in the UK this year and I will be attending. I e-mailed the PR today asking if there would be any chance to interview a musician, composer, director or any involved in the concert. Still yet to receive any reply. Jack Wall will be there this year. He's done music for Bioware games such as Jade Empire and next-gen marvel Mass Effect. Hopefully I'll hear from them soon and have something to write about it.

Two great composers: Harry Gregson-Williams (Metal Gear Solid Composer) and Jack Wall (Jade Empire, Mass Effect Composer).

In other news, Stuttering Craig from ScrewAttack e-mailed me back. The message was short but sweet. He said an interview wouldn't be a problem and just to e-mail him questions whenever. I just not sure how to address that feature yet. No word from yet, but I'll wait a couple of days until I try again. My best friend and fellow gamer Nib (who will hopefully be one of my most important go-to-people because he's entering the gaming profession of animation) and his brother Ben suggested a great idea last night.

Best Friend: This is Nib, fellow gamer and very important ally.

It turns out that a good friend of ours (mainly theirs, I just played games with him a few times) is in the gaming championships and doing very well for himself, so I am going to draft up an interview and have a good chat with him about his experiences. He's quite the charismatic guy, so hopefully he'll provide some entertaining comments.
Gaming Champion: Chris Marsh receiving a cheque prize in a gaming event.

Things are slowly starting, but of course there is no certainty how things will turn out. I just hope for a enjoyable experience in that I will prosper. In the context of what I mentioned earlier I leave with the words of Mick Jagger: "It's all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back."

Mick Jagger

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey nice idea for a blog! I'll keep on reading, even though I live with you haha ;)